Frequently Asked Questions About Our Shark Tours in Haleiwa, Hawaii

Is it safe to swim with sharks?

Yes! We (and many others) have dove with these sharks thousands of times. These sharks are Galapagos sharks. They eat small white crabs and do not look at humans as food. Humans are much bigger than their food source, and they see us as other large predators. They are also extremely used to humans since they see us every day. This is a safe and educational experience for all.

Can my child dive with sharks?

We only allow people 4 feet tall and up to dive with the sharks. They must be confident swimmers and comfortable in the open ocean.

How long will it take to RECEIVE photos after the trip?

Edited photo packages can take 5-7 days prior to your trip to receive. You will receive them via a Dropbox link from the photographer you gave your contact information to on the boat the day of your tour.

Will my trip run if the weather CONDITIONS are bad?

If the wave or wind conditions seem dangerous, we will cancel and either reschedule you to the next open slot as soon as possible or refund your experience.

If there are less than three people booked…

If there are fewer than three people booked for your tour day, we will call you 24 hours before and either reschedule you for a different time that day or a different day to make it a full trip.

Are seeing animals guaranteed?

We cannot guarantee seeing animals in the water. It's the wild ocean, so all the wildlife we see is different each day. However, the chance to see dolphins is higher in the morning during the summer months.

How do you know there will be sharks?

We go to the same spot every day. This spot is within the general area where crab fishing is quite common. Therefore, the sharks are conditioned to associate the sound of the boat motor with food getting tossed off the crab boats. In conclusion, the sharks will come close to the boat when they hear the motor.

I am not a confident swimmer, can I go?

Safety is our number one priority, and we want you to feel comfortable in the water at all times. For your comfort, we recommend practicing swimming and using a snorkel before joining our shark tours in Haleiwa, Hawaii. Also, tell the crew about your swimming concerns so they can plan accordingly. You will always have a safety diver with you, along with a life vest (upon request). However, if you choose not to snorkel, you can remain on the boat until the tour is over.

How much is the photo package?

The photo package is $85 per person. It includes multiple edited, professional photos of you and the sharks (depending on your swimming ability) from our experienced photographers on board that day. You can decide on the day of your tour whether you want photos taken by the photographer or not.

Has there ever been an accident?

At Deep Blue Eco Tours, we have a 100% good track record with no incidents. Also, shark diving has been taking place out of the Haleiwa Harbor for 10+ years and there has never been an incident.

How much is a spot on the boat if I don’t want to swim but want to observe?

$100. We do this because it takes up space for a potential swimmer who would pay the full price, which is $150.

Do you offer transportation to the harbor?

We do not offer transportation to the harbor or boat. However, there are state buses and some hotel shuttles that will run all the way up to the North Shore. Also, you could rent a car or potentially Uber.

How will I know where the boat is when I get there?

We will text you the boat's specific location in the harbor. If you need help, feel free to text or call that number (808-321-1251).

Can I still participate in swimming with sharks if I have a cut, am bleeding, or am on my period?

Yes! You can still participate. Sharks’ behavior is not affected by human blood. Think of human blood as a candle. To humans’ candles smell good, but they are not appetizing. Same with sharks, human blood and humans are not appetizing.

What can I do to prevent seasickness?

The night before the tour, get a good night's sleep. Then, take motion sickness medicine the night before, as well as 2 hours before the boat ride. The most common sea sickness medicine is Dramamine, which is an over-the-counter medication. We also recommend sea sickness wristbands that you can buy online or at some local pharmacies. When/if you are on the boat and you start to feel sick, stand up to get a fresh breeze and look out at the horizon. Also, drink a few sips of water and stay cool.

Can you guarantee my SAFETY in the water?

We are swimming in the open ocean, which is a wild/uncontrolled environment. There are sharks, jellyfish, and other marine life. Therefore, we cannot guarantee safety. However, we have highly trained and experienced marine biologists on board and in the water with you at all times! We do have a clean track record with 0 incidents. The safety divers are there to make you feel the most comfortable in the water, and they will be the first ones in and out of the water!

Can I bring my own camera/Go Pro?

YES! Feel free to bring your own GoPro or camera. However, we do offer photo packages for $85. These excellent packages can ensure you will get amazing photos of your experience. You can enjoy every second of your tour and let our professional photographers do the work.

Do I need a wetsuit?

Wetsuits are not required for our shark tours in Haleiwa. However, feel free to bring one if you desire!

What time do I need to be at the harbor?

We prefer you be at the harbor 20 minutes before your reservation. This gives us time to get you checked in and set up to take off on the boat. It also provides some wiggle room if you get lost trying to find the boat—our spot on the harbor changes daily.

How long does it take to get to the dive location?

The boat ride from the harbor to the dive location is about 25 minutes long. During the ride, there is always the potential to see wildlife along the way. You will also be given an educational briefing about sharks and their behaviors. You will also be informed on how to be as respectful as possible near large marine animals and what to expect when in the water!

How much time do I get in the water with the sharks?

You will spend 30 minutes swimming with the sharks.

How many sharks will I see?

We strongly guarantee that you will see sharks while in the water. However, we cannot guarantee the type of shark or how many you will see. There are so many species of sharks in the water, and they change constantly. We normally see sandbar sharks, Galapagos sharks, and the occasional tiger sharks, oceanic black tips, etc.

COVID Policy:

We sanitize the boat and equipment every session and make sure our staff is regularly checked. Masks are an option to wear on the boat but are not enforced.

What should I bring on the boat?

  1. Water bottle (no plastic, single-use bottles)

  2. Towel (s)

  3. Reef safe sunscreen

  4. Feel free to bring your own snorkel mask and fins if you prefer to use them.

Where do I go once I’m in the harbor?

Pick-Up Location

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Book your shark diving adventure today—life is too short to miss out on this unforgettable experience! Dive in now and create memories that will last a lifetime.
